You may say you’re not artistic, but you are!
Whenever you make a conscious choice about what color to wear or decorate your room or any way to personalize your items or surroundings, you’re making a creative, artistic, design choice.
Yes, some people may be more creative than others and have artistic talent to draw and paint, but these are also skills that can be learned; even though, they may be more naturally inherent for some.
Some people feel the need to create, others do not.
For those who do, you’ll love knowing about Kristin Nicholas, just one of our 3 artist collaborators.
Her home and artwork was originally featured in a Houzz ideabook in 2012. We wrote about it in this previous post.
In fact, this is how we learned of Kristin’s work. We were immediately struck by its exuberance.

We reached out and started working with her and now offer her designs on our reusable, temporary wallpaper.
Her home has been featured on Houzz again, this time as a movie, where you can witness Kristin’s creative outlook and hear for yourself how she expresses her passion for color in her artwork, knitting, painting, writing and even home-good accessories.
(Click here if you cannot see the movie.)
If you are looking for a way to express your own style, you can do so with Casart coverings!
Let us help you as we’ve enjoyed helping others.
Recently, one of our customers, Ginger Sluder, who is a talented artist, contacted us to print her lovely artwork as a custom mural that she could cut and use on her stair risers, as a stair mural.
Here’s the custom sample we provided so she could check the color prior to printing on Casart Regular, which is more durable and wipeable than our Casart Light material. Also, our materials print slightly differently so we wanted her to be sure prior to printing a larger version. This is part of our approval process for custom work.
Once the stair mural had been printed, she cut and installed and emailed us a photo, saying, “I did it! It looks great! Thank you!”
Wonderful, we too are so happy that it came out so beautifully!! Thank you, Ginger, for sharing. We hope your vision will also inspire others. It certainly inspires us to see it installed!
We can only take minor credit however, because it came from our customer’s artistic vision, just as we all have but it’s up to each of us in how we want to express our own personal style. Click here to see other Casart customers’ stair murals and Casart creations.
There have been several recent business articles, one in the Washington Post, suggesting the next big thing is personalized style — not purchasing the mainstream but customizing items to make them unique and your own.
Business experts say a growing number of shoppers prefer to spend on “unique, hard-to-find pieces instead of highly recognizable” name brands.
We think standing out as being different, bucking the trend, trying something new has actually always been in style. It’s what makes America innovative. The newest thing, however, is the social media aspect, in sharing how you can have different because others want to see for themselves.
It’s the age of discovery where the artist is in all of us!
We encourage you to discover your inner artist.
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