Although July 4th Independence Day has past, we've found ways to celebrate summer with American Style all year long. It is worth noting that there is not just one American Style, however. American Style is simply a characteristic associated with the United States. Since The United States is a "melting pot," mixture of many people with multiple backgrounds and Continue Reading
Don’t Just Wave Summer Goodbye
August and summer are nearly over but you don't have to just wave these relaxing days goodbye! Instead, remember and celebrate them! When the busy days of fall soon start, reflecting on travel memories and surrounding your space with artwork that expresses serenity and peacefulness will seem to reduce stress by recalling those the non-busy, carefree days of Continue Reading
Expert Advice: 9 Sneaky Ways to Make Small Rooms Look Bigger
We are grateful for another guest post, 9 Sneaky Ways to Make Small Rooms Look Bigger, by Chloe Taylor. Please read her full bio below. Many thanks, Chloe! Today, it’s nearly impossible for a working-class person to buy a house or an apartment that’s as large as a mansion. However, if you’re a smart person who knows how to make the best of what they own, you'll be Continue Reading
Beat the Summer Heat with Cool Wallcoverings
Today is the official first day of summer but the heat has already begun. We have a solution to help you beat the summer heat with cool wallcoverings that chill the temperature down with cool oriented colors. The Spruce describes how cool colors produce this cooling effect and states their benefits: Cool colors are typified by blue, green and light purple. They Continue Reading
Non-Traditional Ideas for Christmas Decorating
Granted Christmas is that magical time of year but sometimes bringing out the traditional decorations can feel like a chore. We're exploring some ideas for non-traditional Christmas decorating that not only mixes up the magic but adds to it. Starting with classic Christmas Tree, no color, all decked in white, this is a beautiful tree via Tickling and Continue Reading