If you’ve visiting our Casart Decor Shop on Society6 (S6), you’ll notice that it looks different. That’s because it is! If you are used to our old shop, navigating the new shop platform can be confusing at first.
Society6, where our designs are printed on products for sale, launched their new site on Shopify this past fall of 2024. The navigation has a cleaner look but is not always intuitive, making navigating the new shop platform a bit challenging at first. This move caused a lot of broken links on our site (over 900!!) and for many of the other licensed artists. The redirection of many of these links are slowly being propagated. However, all of our nearly 200 design links that are represented on our Casart Coverings site, which are hyperlinked to S6, had to be manually adjusted. They should all be fixed but if you experience any broken stragglers, please reach out to let us know.
In the meantime, we encourage you to visit our Casart Decor shop and our new Designs / Portfolio page on S6’s new shop platform.
When you do, you will most likely either land on our About Artist page (formerly the Casart Decor Shop page), or the new Casart Decor Shop page link or the Casart Decor Designs Portfolio page. You’ll know this not only by how the pages look but also because “/a/” has been inserted in the front part of the url to the new shop platform. Navigating the new shop platform should become easier over time with these changes.
Quick & Easy Tips for Navigating the New Shop Platform
You can navigate to the Shop or Designs from the top of the new Artist’s About / Bio page, seen circled in this image.

Similarly, you can navigate back to the Artist page or to the Designs from the Shop page. Navigating the new shop platform will likely become more intuitive with some practice over time.
Use the filters and sort by relevance (e.g., most popular or by price) to view just one type of product or colorway, types of media and subject. This is helpful and wasn’t available on the previous site.

Finally, you can easily navigate back to the other pages from the Designs page, and use the filters to search for specific designs by subject, keywords, media and colors. Again, this is very helpful.
Unfortunately all of our Collections, including Back to School items, Spring Sing, Sea Life Treasures, and Scenoiserie, are no longer available on S6’s site. We have redirected those links to our Designs / Portfolio page where designs in these collections can be found. However products would need to be searched on the Shop page. Also broader categories, like Home Decor, Bed & Bath, Tabletop or Furniture have been removed, leaving the individual products within these previous categories like clocks, curtains, serving trays, and credenzas in the drop down filters to check, in order to view the visual results. This is a bit cumbersome when items could be easily seen when categories were chosen.

If you have any difficulty, please reach out to us so we can help. We want to make navigating the new shop platform as user friendly as possible.
Be sure to visit our main Casart Coverings Designs page on this catalog site before going to our S6 shop. This will help you determine what design you might like with direct links to that design rather than having to scroll down nearly 200 designs on the Casart Decor Portfolio page. We hope that Society6 will improve this feature in the future.