It's winter, cold outside and Valentine's Day is right around the corner, so we're writing a post about interior design colors that warm the heart. Warm colors warm the heart and make your interior welcoming with a cozy feel. Colors do not have to be red but hues of orange, pink, yellow and yes, red, help to enliven, uplift and brighten a space, particularly during Continue Reading
Designs that Brighten the Winter Blues
Happy 2021! It has to be a better year, right?! We hope so but if you're having winter blues, here are some designs to help brighten the days ahead. Bringing in some light blues with mixed colors will brighten any space. Plus this Shells one, from the Sea Life collection, conjures the calming sensibility from the phrase, "Calgon, take me Continue Reading
Home Decor Trends That Will Shape 2019
What are the home decor trends that will shape 2019? We are delighted to have another informative post from Chloe Taylor, who shares her insight into answering this question about decor trends, which happens to align with our last topic that we posted on color. Please read Chloe's full bio at the end of the post. Interior designers widely agree that 2019 could be Continue Reading
How Many of These 120 Things Do You Have for Great Décor?
House Beautiful magazine is celebrating 120 years! Wow, that's impressive!! They've listed 120 iconic decorative things that they've been profiling since 1896 that make interior design great. How many of these 120 things do you have for great décor? Chances are you will find at least one or more items that you already have on every page, as we did. #6 - We mix Continue Reading
Turning Your New House into Your Home
In light of the recent series of real estate oriented posts and the recent July 4th holiday, we're partially reposting a pertinent topic on What Makes a House an [American] Home? Now that you own your new house, how do you make it your home? This can be a really subjective question because "home" has specific and personal meanings to each individual but the National Continue Reading