I saw some interesting photos of stair risers that seemed to have a step up in design in last Sunday's InsideOut section of the Times-Picayune. Editor Karen Taylor Gist had this to say about them. "Few of us get to design and build perfectly personalized homes. But if we try, most of us can find in our houses some small spot to imbue with a little piece of Continue Reading
Off On An Adventure
Before I begin my adventure, first, I want to mention an update on last Friday's Run For The Roses post. Looking at Lucky, in the #1 rail position, ran into traffic early on but managed to finish 7th, Jackson Bend finished 12th and Endorsement didn't run. But, Calvin Borel, a Cajun, won on Super Saver and another Cajun jockey, Kent Desormeaux, rode the third place Continue Reading
Stairways to Heaven
So I've got some great ideas for dreamy stairways to heaven -- how to renovate your stairs without major construction. Below are several great ideas for stairways using just paint. I will say this though, if you aren't patient and don't pay attention to detail this is NOT the DIY project for you. There is a ton of taping, prepping and touch up work that needs to be Continue Reading
Who’s Blue?
I know I’m not blue but who's blue? The Saints won the Super Bowl so I, along with lots of other folks am still on cloud nine! But…the March issue of House Beautiful is all about blue-powder, denim, sky, teal, midnight, cerulean, navy, turquoise, cornflower, periwinkle, royal opal. Have I left any out? Editor Stephen Drucker says he’s always wanted to do an issue Continue Reading
Stair Riser Art
Did you know that you can create stair riser art? Stair risers are often an overlooked location to personalize your space with artistic design. Here are just a few examples of how Casart walloverings can transform your stairs with a self-adhesive Casart wallpaper mural, trompe l'oeil, decorative designs like Faux Tiles or Garland mural elements, perfect for the Continue Reading