We have recently introduced our new Sea Life removable wallpaper designs and we’d like to explain their origin. There are three designs in this series, which will be further explored in separate posts. This is an overview to the collection.
Because we’re fascinated with shells, we’ve always wanted to incorporate them in a design. We wanted to add to our Patterns collection but also create a design that could exist as a Mural. Therein, the Shells design is a pattern of hand-painted, illustrated shells over a Sea Spray mural background.
We took a different approach to the Shells design by strategically laying out the pattern of widely known shells in our collection of real shells that is based on their scientific classification. This layout puts all the Gastropods in one section of the design and the Bivalves on the other. The thin and thick corals represent these two different Classes of the Mollusk Phylum. Each shell represents a separate Order of these two scientific Classes. The layout is a visual taxonomy of shells.
In order to the create the background for the Shells, a representation of water should be used. I had been intrigued with with the fluid nature of “acrylic poured” paint on canvas. I like the random nature and the fluid-feel this method produced. I wanted a little more control for the first effort and based the Sea Spray mural on something similar to Italianate marbling. This is actually an ancient method first used in Japan and in Turkey where paint is applied over a water bath and then transferred onto paper, Ebru Art (via Turkey) or Suminagashi (floating art from Japan). Here’s the Sea Spray Mural outcome as it’s own artwork and it creates the perfect backdrop for the Shells design.
Like the recent Light Rain design that play on words with light and outdoor string lights to create a pattern, we used our fish from the Gulf Coast Designs to create a pattern with shells to produce the Shell Fish design (Shell + Fish instead of shellfish). Like the Shells it works as a mural or a pattern. The large-scale nature of the fish really gives the sense of them swimming around the room. The design has both a whimsical, fun feel as well as a visual tribute that celebrates marine sea life.
With this effort in mind, 4Ocean seemed the perfect organization with which to partner that helps clean up the world’s oceans. Keeping the waters clean helps our marine sea life survive. With each $200 purchase from the Sea Life series, we give $20 to 4Ocean. In return, this helps them pull one pound of trash from the ocean and create a bracelet made of recycled sea glass that we send to our customer. We hope with a good response we can continue this collaboration but for now it is for a limited time. The bracelets can be given as stocking stuffers for the holidays. Click here to make it happen!
We hope you like our new Sea Life removable wallpaper designs and would love to know what you think.
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