Crayfish parties are a Nordic tradition in August and who better to carry on that tradition here in the States than Ikea. In fact, Ikea had a Swedish Crayfish Party last Friday. Now, I have to admit I had never heard of a Swedish Crayfish Party. It's difficult for me to even spell the word with a y and pronounce it with a long a! So I went to Wikipedia for Continue Reading
It’s Hot!
Boy, it's hot! Tuesday was the first day of Summer AND the longest day of the year, which means we had extra daylight hours to bake in the sun! Summer is always sultry here in the South and the high humidity just makes it seem hotter than the thermometer reads. It's definitely the time to lighten up not only your decor but also your activities and chill out. My Continue Reading
What’s happened in a year
If you're curious as to what's happened in a year in the Gulf Coast since the unfortunate BP Oil Spill - first year anniversary was last Thursday - then here it is in a nutshell. Granted, it's not all good news but that's life and I don't intend to temper the reality here; however, knowing the facts can give awareness that brings call to action and allows this post to Continue Reading
Gulf Coast Recovery Update and Casart Carryalls
Here's our Gulf Coast Recovery update and our effort to help with our Casart Carryalls. After the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded in April, 2,079 birds, 456 sea turtles, some terrapins and 2 dolphins were rescued from the oil-covered water and cared for at rescue centers. Staff at the Audubon Aquatics Center in New Orleans are rehabilitating a young dolphin that Continue Reading
Nursery Basics
Nursery Basics This Time Round Baby number three is due in a few months and this time around I'm definitely doing things differently. Usually Mom's go all out crazy with nursery decor with the first child and by the time the third or fourth arrives they're lucky to get a crib to sleep in instead of a drawer. Keep the decor simple and pretty neutral so there isn't Continue Reading