You may be wondering why is this wallcovering company that prides itself on bold colors and custom design writing about a pop of white and other wallpaper for that matter? Well, it's because we appreciate great design when we see it and like to highlight others efforts when well deserved. It was the Frontgate catalog that called this beautiful, romantic, pop of Continue Reading
Big Bang Design
Since we're still in 4th of July celebration mode with this added gift of a federal holiday today, I thought it timely to share some design examples that add big bang design impact (without actual fireworks). The first are appropriately red, blue and patriotic.. I first saw this photo in a Patriotic Interiors ideabook on Houzz. I really like how elements Continue Reading
It’s Never too late!
Looking for a last minute holiday gift? It's never too late! We've just added Virtual Gift Cards (VGC's)! You can order gifts with us as the card is received promptly through email. This will make a personal, practical and long lasting gift, in which the recipient can choose their design and customize their choices. These VGC's can be used as part of a large Continue Reading