What is it about this time of year? It’s a spring thing! Birds start chirping, trees leaf out, flowers start blooming and while a young man’s fancy turns to thoughts of love, mine turns to thoughts of cleaning, organizing and changing out winter clothes in the closet for spring and summer ones. Basically, it’s work to eliminate more work!
The March issue of Better Homes and Gardens had some good organization and storage tips. First, be sure to clean clothes before putting away. Food, dirt, and body oil attract moths which can damage clothes. Avoid packing items tightly to minimize wrinkles and moisture. Fold with as few creases as possible. Cotton pillowcases used for storage keep dust and insects out while allowing the contents to breathe.
Enlist family cooperation. Explain that less laundry time means more time for fun. Train all to sort their own dirty laundry and place in a compartmented canvas tote. Hang a reminder on the side that encourages emptying pockets, zipping up zippers, unrolling socks, sleeves and pant cuffs. Clean laundry can be returned in the tote stacked by type.

For added ease in putting away clean laundry, label the tops of dresser drawers. Labels are out of sight when the drawers are closed. Socks, underwear and other small articles can be placed in a mesh laundry bag to make sorting easy. In my family, the greatest teaching tool is to return the clean laundry to its owner in the same condition in which you received it for laundering!
Once you’ve freed up time from the laundry room, think about sprucing up the decor. A little bit of Casart wallcovering scraps can be used on a lampshade, a piece of furniture, in a closet, armoir, a bookshelf, etc., etc. Where else would you use Casart besides on the wall? We have some ideas below to try for your spring thing decorating.

– Lorre Lei
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