How about a little interactive Casart Designs?
With a new year comes new things to try. We’ re always thinking of ways to help our customers envision Casart wallcoverings in their own spaces and we’ve found an interactive way to help you get this impression through Kaboodle. It’s similar to StumbleUpon but it’s a very user friendly site for “flagging” or”kaboodling” items for a shopping list or just for future reference. Just like interior designers use, you can create your own “Styleboards” to show how furniture pieces of your choosing might look with accessories and backgrounds.
Here’s where Casart Coverings comes in. You can kaboodle us and use our backgrounds in your styleboards to set up conceptual rooms with your own décor. Kaboodle gives you a choice of images beyond the category page if you add details to your entry. However, if you want something more realistic, you can use backgrounds on this blog to grab and use, if you please give us the courtesy of credit. We’ve used a lot of backgrounds in posts so you can simply search for your color and design choice. If we don’t have it posted already, please inform us so we can include it when we start posting more design choices, as in this post and future ones. You can save these styleboards for your own reference or publish for public exposure. Please be sure to add the tag Casart Coverings when posting and send us back your styleboard or link as we’d love to show it off in this blog. If you have feedback, please let us know.

We’ll continue to add more Casart styleboards to give other ideas for conceptual layouts. This is essentially a more unique continuation of our Gallery page on our website.
If you prefer to see Casart in specific types of rooms, please let us know so we can make some interactive Casart designs for your visual reference.
We welcome your ideas.
— Ashley
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