How timely to read, Considering Wallpaper? Here’s How to Get Started, Fred Albert’s Ideabook in Houzz this past week, which I have excerpted and embedded below, especially after we posted about the details of what makes Casart wallcoverings special in last week’s post.
This ideabook does an exceptional job of giving detailed information that can make anyone ready to take the plunge in using wallpaper more assured of their choices and, he gives great pictorial examples as well. Here’s the low-down to consider:
1) What: “Wallpaper can transform a room in ways that paint just can’t.” {I’m a decorative painter and I’m constantly trying to make walls look less flat with decorative treatments but designs on wallcoverings can do so much more than flat paint can achieve, even if a painted decorative treatment. Some treatments, like stripes, take a lot less time as wallcovering than painting, especially with measuring and touch-ups involed.} He quotes, Gloria Hernando of The Wallpaper Company, who says, ” “Wallpaper adds a very different dimension.” And with so many options to choose from today — including fabrics, grass cloth, cork, metallics and flocked, in addition to conventional paper and vinyl — the effects that can be achieved are limitless.”
2) Why Now?: January and winter months are slow time for installers after the hectic holidays of getting houses decorated. If you need to hire one, the National Guild of Professional Paperhangers, Inc. is a good place to start. Although Casart wallcovering doesn’t need a professional installer, we use this resource for our customers who might want a backup just in case.
3) The Specs:
• Traditional wallpaper is about 20 – 27″ w and over 20 feet (considered a “double roll”, which is the same as a “single roll” if purchased in the UK or abroad.)
• The coverage ranges between 35 – 56 square feet BUT when cut and installed and waste factored in, you’ll really only get about 30 sf from a 56 sf roll.
• Prices average between $35 – $50 for a low-end per roll to $140 for a midrange and $300 or more for a high-end wallcovering, which doesn’t have to be paper.
• Add to this price $1.50 to $10 per square foot for professional installation, now you’re looking at installation costs of $84 – $560 + the wallcovering roll prices and we’re up to $119 lowest end to $860 highest end for 56 sf of coverage.
4) Time it Takes: Allow 1 – 2 weeks for the wallpaper to arrive. Cleaning and prepping the walls can be done while waiting.
5) Be sure of what you want: Take your time to choose because ““It’s a lot more tedious and costly to take down,” noted Hernando.
Like Digs Design did, once you make your choice, it can be a beautiful thing.
In doing a comparison with the high end range.
- A standard size large roll Casart covering is 52″ w x 12′ and 52 sf = $392 in Casart Regular, our highest grade reusable wallcovering and $359 in Casart Light, which is lighter weight and can go on the ceiling as well as walls. No extra installation expense for labor is needed or for glue or paste to purchase, since our coverings use a pressure sensitive, self-adhesive that is repositionable and only sticks to the back of the wallcovering when removed and reused. This is more expensive than the lowest end traditional wallpaper but
- When comparing at the high end price, ours is a $468 savings if using Casart Regular and a $501 savings if using Casart Light.
- None of the traditional wallpapers can be used again once installed with wallpaper glue on the wall and there may be more labor expenses involved when removing traditional paper with the damage it does to the walls.
- With a 52″ w width, Casart can cover more than twice the width of a space with less seams than traditional wallpaper.
- Rolls are sized to typical wall heights so less cutting involved or waste when using a pattern
- No need to worry about butt-installing the edges and making sure they match up perfectly. Our rolls are offset by 2 inches to overlap each other — saving time and assuring a cleaner look.
- Even though you might not want to reuse your wallpaper, you’ll be able to remove when you are ready and reuse if you want or even repurpose onto furniture fronts or bookcase backings or stair risers.
- The self-adhesive backing stays and lasts pretty much indefinitely on the wallcovering after multiple uses.
- This gives you the flexibility of seasonal decorating options.
- More bang for your buck with a practical choice.

All this being said, if you’re into wallpaper, you have a lot more choices than ever before, especially now that wallpaper has made a come-back, especially with the popularity of just covering one accent wall. This way, it’s an affordable, easy solution to decorating that gives instant impact and a new look for a new year.
Have fun considering the options and contact us should you select Casart wallcoverings!
— Ashley
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