Hope everyone is enjoying their holidays. If it's snowing where you are, just remember you don't have to go out in it if you don't want, you can have winter white right inside -- where it's warmer (try repeating that really fast). Here are a few interior design examples for your winter white enjoying pleasure: Here's one from Olioboard by Pengerkatu Continue Reading
Surviving the Holidays with Drink
The rush is on...just 12 days until Christmas. That's hard to believe! I'm not ready but who else is? Times like this, I say you can do like we do -- surviving the holidays with a drink -- and a short post. See the Olioboard (mood board) that I did using a Casart Martini Photo temporary wallcovering over our Casart Colowash, removable wallcovering. Simply peel and Continue Reading
Delightful Design Apps & Sites for All
Design Apps and websites at your fingertips sounds so easy and it is. I was pleased to see Terry Sapienza's article in the Washington Post, Home section. I had written a blog post here, coincidentally nearly one year ago to the day, about Benjamin Moore's color selector, Looking for the Right Color, when just a few design apps existed. Now, there are so many more Continue Reading
Labor Day Rules
Not Labor Day rules as in something to follow by the rules but as in it's awesome, as well as referring to weird rules about not wearing white. I never understood this myself so I had fun doing a little research for this post. Labor Day Rules about Wearing White According to WiseGeek and Fletch (AskYahoo.com), the "it is not appropriate to wear white after Labor Continue Reading
A Few Forecasting Tools for Fall Design
Let's say you're ready for a change and want to revamp your interior at the start of this coming season. Where do you begin? We have a few forecasting tools for fall design to help. You can go small or go large but where are some latest accessories to see and wouldn't it be great to see how they look in your interior before you purchase them? I've found a few Continue Reading