We appreciate Rose Morrison's article, Reflecting to Become More Grateful This Season, with helpful tips to experience Thanksgiving and the holidays with family and friends. Many thanks to Rose for her guest post for Slipcovers for Your Walls, casartblog for Casart Coverings, removable wallpaper and decor. Be sure to read Rose's bio at the end. - - - - - - - - Continue Reading
Welcoming Family More Warmly Post-Pandemic
It's that time of year! Finally, we are welcoming family for the holidays. Rose Morrison describes ways to Welcome Family More Warmly Post-Pandemic in her guest article for Slipcovers for Your Walls, casartblog for Casart Coverings custom removable and reusable artisan wallcovering. Please be sure to read Rose’s bio below and follow the link to her other Continue Reading
Similar Thinking
Casart Coverings has similar thinking with Veronica Beard. Are you juggling fixing breakfast, making lunches for the kids and getting dressed for work? Want to simplify getting ready in the morning? That's what Veronica Beard would like to do. "We're delivering a collection that helps you live in the moment and not stress about your clothes", she says. This is Continue Reading
Where Did It Come From?
I don't know where did it come from but I often ask myself from where did my children get their creative bent. Certainly not from me! My husband's sister was an artist and so was his cousin. I've seen paintings done by his mother as a "genteel young lady" which show considerable promise with training. And I can't help but recall (for it was often told) the story Continue Reading