Although July 4th Independence Day has past, we've found ways to celebrate summer with American Style all year long. It is worth noting that there is not just one American Style, however. American Style is simply a characteristic associated with the United States. Since The United States is a "melting pot," mixture of many people with multiple backgrounds and Continue Reading
What Color is Your Easter Bonnet?
Spring is here and Easter and the Cherry Blossom Festival time is upon us, It's a glorious time to be in DC! As we all get dressed up to celebrate these occasions, we want to ask you what color is your Easter Bonnet? Here are a few wonderful examples to help you celebrate the season. This old-fashioned example from Hibiscus House reminded us of the respectful Continue Reading
In Addition…
In addition to my Mother's Day post on Monday, here's my personal tribute to my mother -- a new floral painting that she doesn't even know about -- a Camellia from her garden (see photo below). It's now a new Casart reusable wallcovering design and will be up on our website soon, if not already. In my search for the variety, I think it may be Cherries Jubilee -- Continue Reading