Casart Coverings has continued to engage in discussions with other designers over many social networking platforms. Social media websites, especially Twitter, has allowed our company to connect with other interior designers easily and effectively, and has also allowed them to provide feedback on which types of designs they might use for their projects. We also provide helpful and positive feedback about their products and designs! This is mutually complimentary and socialized.
For example, Ronique Gibson, associate architect & lifestyle expert, tweeted us about what she felt would look best with our Faux Glass Tile:
Ronique Gibson commented that our design “would look great as an accent wall in a kitchen, bath or in an apartment.” The feedback we receive from others helps us understand what potential customers think will work best with our products.
Below is just one of the many examples of ways you can enjoy outdoor living on Ronique Gibson’s Stagetecture Blog.
We love this design sourced from Pinterest! We hope you’ll share as we will.
We expect that social media engagement will continue to grow, as it encourages a community to stay in touch and give and receive insights about interior design.
Another example of receiving social insight for interior designers includes using Pinterest to pin designs from one’s own business and learn which ones get the most interest. Recently, a “Cool Blue” Pinterest board was made in order to advertise some of the Casart blue designs for inspiring our summer sale. Below is an example of a cool blue design that we pinned, that others can then share, re-pin, and provide feedback. The pillow design is a Flower Power Botanical Accent that is paired with a Libby Langdon Groovy Gate design used on a screen and seen below.
The latter was one of the more popular pins on this board.
Other Cool Blue possibilities: Lively Lattice in Icy Blue or mix it up with Aqua Teal as a complement to blue:
Facebook is also a great way to share designs, like, and comment on others people’s’ work! For example, a popular design that received a lot of shares and likes on our Facebook page was Mary Douglas’s Drysdale Signature Color Lipstick Plus:
Here is a challenge that can be a fun way to share others designs: For the first three comments to the following question that we receive from interior designers, we will mention them in a tweet and showcase their work:
Lively Lattice is one of how many memorable geometrics of the Libby Langdon collection
and how do you see this design being used in your work?
Don’t forget, tomorrow is the last day for you to participate in our 30% off sale! Act quickly to get these discounted wallcoverings for yourself or even for someone else!
When you purchase our wallcovering designs, you can take part in sharing by commenting and reviewing our products directly on the product pages. You can send pictures to us so that we can provide feedback too about your interior designs. Positive sharing is caring. We care about your feedback and satisfaction of the products that you receive! We like to share and showcase other’s work, especially when Casart Coverings can be used in them.
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