Recently, we saw rug displayed as wall art in the GrandinRoad catalog.
We are often inspired by interior design and when we see a different way of doing things we give a shout out.
This concept is similar to Casart’s in that we view our wallcoverings as art for your walls.
Here’s GrandinRoad’s catalog page with their rug wall art and the bird table that inspired a few Birds & Birch wall-art, room-concepts of our own.
Their abstract rug is quite beautiful as wall art.
This concept is inspirational as an easy way to warm up your walls this winter with Casart Coverings.
Now let’s see how Casart removable wallcovering might look using our Birds & Birch removable wallcovering with a teal/ bold background.
Want to go more bold? Let’s try the Maple with Beige Trees.
Want to go more neutral? Let’s try the Beige with Orange Birds.
Want to add a coordinating pillow? We’ve got those too in practical and versatile all-weather pillow slipcovers.
Have a decorating dilemma that you want solved and think we can help? Send us a photo.
Let’s see if we can find a creative, “Cas-artistic” solution.
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