It’s all over now except the shouting, so here goes a voyeur’s synopsis gleaned from a Houzz idea book by Pangaea, a savvy designer from Portland with a strong constitution albeit tired feet after 6 full days at High Point. I’ve done it twice so feel her pain!
Here are some quotes from Pangaea and comments by me ending with a link to her full coverage with pictures.
Color-“A jewel-like turquoise shade was everywhere I turned, including on upholstery and in accessories and art. Pink in a slightly coral shade added pizzazz in several showrooms.”
LL-I love turquoise and we have several designs with blue colorways. Pangaea’s mention of jewel-like tones reminded me of Lladro’s Winged Victory with her peacock wings and our own Quill and French PeacockDamask.

Look at Karen Robertson’s Tropical Pink stripe and Coral Wreath with a hint of coral.
Texture-“I hope you love shagreen, the rawhide made from sharks or rays — actually, in most cases it’s faux. You’re going to start seeing it everywhere!”
LL-We do and hope to introduce a faux shagreen later this year.
Wood and Resin-“Another interesting combination of materials I saw was wood and resin”.
LL-We’ve got plenty of wood, but without the resin.

“Reclaimed Materials-Art, accessories and furnishings created from recycled, reclaimed and repurposed items continue to win fans. Even the more traditional furniture makers are beginning to incorporate materials like reclaimed wood.”
Below is the link to Pangaea’s ideabook.
– Lorre Lei
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