Albert Camus said, “Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.” True, Halloween is over, so is daylight savings time, but the first day of winter is more than a month away on December 22nd, so…
I usually become invigorated with the onset of cooler weather and treat it like another spring. In the October 14 Parade, Nate Berkus says about offering tips for low-budget spruce-ups, “There’s something I do called Moving Day. Look at everything in your home, then think about how you could combine things in a different way…Move around what you already own.” I start by rearranging all the living room furniture moving sofa and chairs to cluster around the fireplace instead of looking out into the yard as they do for the warmer months.
Next I focus on seasonal decorating in a small but noticeable way. ligne roset has wonderful ads and they’ve been appropriate to include from time to time.
There are so many little things you can do-add warm- toned pillows, fall flower arrangements.
How serendipitous that we just launched our Casart Pillows. We’re delighted to be partnering with PillowFolly to produce our pillow. Kerry Ann Dame and Layla Altman (follow the link to see they have fun) are experienced in the business, employ local seamstresses, and produce excellent quality products made in the USA thereby creating local jobs and supporting the economy of our country!
Here’s just a sample of our pillow designs.

Left eye is open on one side, closed on the other. Same for the right eye. Combine as you fancy: wide awake, sleeping, or winking with either the right or the left eye. Quite a conversation piece! And you have the option of purchasing just the pillow cover or the cover and inserts. How easy is that? Simply, slipcover it!
Southern Living’s Editor’s tips included Try wallpaper in a small space to kick it up a notch.
Go for it using a large pattern or bold colors. While you’re at it, throw in a matching Casart pillow, with or without piping. If you already have that pillow size, all you need is the cover.

Or even consider just doing some stripes; horizontal, vertical or crisscrossed.

Here’s a suggestion from the October issue of HGTV magazine.

We offer a wide selection of patterns from which to choose and you won’t have to pay for professional tile cutting! Take a look at our new MoRockAnSoul series created by Amy Finkle, our first Casart Collaborative Artist. This Moroccan-inspired collection of faux-tile patterns offers eight inspirational designs for Casart’s removable and reusable wallcoverings. Choose to use as stair risers, borders cut to any size, backsplashes, below a chair rail, an accent wall, cabinetry or a total room redo.

Be sure to see all our other designs offered as stair risers and backsplashes, too.
— Lorre Lei
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