Frank Lloyd Wright once said “art for art’s sake is a philosophy of the well-fed.” But whether or not you are an art connoisseur, or just looking to fill a blank space, buying art comes with a major intimidation factor.

It’s easy to get lost in the morass of the art world, let alone find a piece that fits your existing decor. If you weren’t an art history major, and can’t tell the difference between a Velazquez and a Gauguin, galleries can be intimidating. And the price tags don’t make the experience any easier. Going to a local decor store may feel more comfortable, but the work can be generic and repetitive.
Navigating the art world is difficult, but if you maintain the mindset that a problem is only an opportunity in disguise, there are some great solutions available to you. Using a decorative wallpaper, a method the Decorologist Kristie Barnett has recommended , can add a fresh, artistic touch to any space, and now it is available without the construction hassle. Casart Coverings removable wallpaper allows you to get unique, customized art at an affordable price. You can choose from a variety of prints, accentuate a blank wall with stripes , or create a custom design. We all know color impacts our mood, so browse through a variety of select colors, such as those from the Mary Douglas Drysdale Collection to pick one that suits your needs. Adding texture to your wallpaper will likewise create a unique finish to any room.

Forget endless gallery browsing and mass produced paintings. Abstract panels are a great example of how wallcoverings can infuse your space with art that is approachable and affordable. Wow your friends with your own creation. Best of all, Casart wallcoverings are removable, reponsitionable and reusable, so you can keep this investment for a lifetime!

Take a look at how wallcoverings can give you some great art options, and tell us your favorite ways to decorate!
— Lucy
(Casart Marketing Intern)
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