We appreciate Rose Morrison's article, Reflecting to Become More Grateful This Season, with helpful tips to experience Thanksgiving and the holidays with family and friends. Many thanks to Rose for her guest post for Slipcovers for Your Walls, casartblog for Casart Coverings, removable wallpaper and decor. Be sure to read Rose's bio at the end. - - - - - - - - Continue Reading
12 Ways to Embrace a Warmer Interior This Winter
We are delighted again to have Rose Morrison's creative and talented writing in her article, Ways to Embrace a Warmer Interior This Winter. Her insights are sure to inspire a pick-me-up that we all seek during winter. What a great way to start off the new year! Thank you, Rose! Please be sure to read Rose's bio below and follow the link to her other articles on Continue Reading
Interior Design for Wellbeing
It's back to school time and for many of us, back to work time too. There is still a lot of uncertainty with Covid-19, variants and precautions. However, our homes remain our sanctuaries, as a safe place to retreat from the world or a busy day, so it is important to have the best interior design for wellbeing. Like artwork, what appeals to one person may not be Continue Reading