OK, so you’ve just learned about Casart Coverings’ awesome self-adhesive, easy-to-install, designer wallpaper and coordinating Casart Decor (furniture, accessories and lifestyle items) but what’s the best way to do a color search on the website?
Granted, with over 125 designs and some 6,000 variations that can mostly all be customized, it can be daunting not knowing where to start to find a design and color you might want. Here is some helpful guidance with several options to follow for our new user-friendly, color-search tools. These will give visual results, like seeing all the designs with “red” variations.
Please note that our Casart Coverings Shop has become our Casart Coverings Catalog of Casart Designs. Clicking on each Category of designs on this page will show individual designs within the clicked Category. Clicking on these individual designs will pull up the specific design with the specific colorways that are now in our Casart Decor Shop, where over 95+ decor and accessory products can be purchased for each design colorway.
Going directly to our Casart Decor Portfolio of designs will bypass all these color searches below, if you’d like to know which available design colorways (nearly 200 and counting) have purchasable items.
Back to the Casart Coverings website, however. Be sure to see our basic search options described at the bottom of this post.
What follows are four types of color / design searches and how to navigate them.
Search the Design & General Color
It will help to have our website viewable in another tab or window so you can see and follow the instruction while you try these search methods. Click here to have our website up and running.
1. General Product Search — Type in the design name or a color in the very top Product / Search window above the navigation bar. This searches the entire site for products.
Type in “red” and all the product designs that have some reference with a variation of the term red will appear, but this does not drill down to the actual product variations or show these designs as they appear in their red colorway.
How to Get to a Color Specific Search Page
A helpful tip: Whenever the sidebar is present on either category or sub-category pages on casartcoverings.com, more specific searches are available with the color search tools.
Go to the Casart Design Catalog / Shop page and click on a Collection (also known as Categories in WordPress, the platform our website uses). This will result in all the designs within that collection. For example, Organics is one of the first categories on the Shop page. Click it and all the designs within the Organics Collection appear along with our sidebar search tools.
The Catalog / Shop page is not searchable because WordPress and WooCommerce and our website theme do not support this capability, which unfortunately seems to us like it would be an obvious function to have, but alas, technology doesn’t always make it easy sometimes. We’ve offered this as a suggestion to their tech gurus, however, so this may improve over time.
2. General Sidebar Website Search — Type in your design or color search in the Website Search window that appears in any right sidebar. Click your keyboard return button to get your results, which will be from the entire site, including not only designs that might have for instance, “red” but all the press mentions that also contain this term, as well as possible post entries from the Customer Gallery. This is a very general search that may not give you the visuals you are after if you just want red designs, for instance. It is a core search to the WordPress theme and available because it gives an overview of general results beyond just products.
This search works independently from the more specific filter searches and it must be cleared in order to get any results from the other searches. Do this by deleting your entry and clicking “apply” because otherwise your result will come up “empty” with this search already in action when using other filters.
Using Specific Color Filters
3. General Sidebar Color Search — Click the Filter By Any Color / Style window and a list of all the specific colors will appear for all the designs on that page. The title of this search is a little misleading because it gives you a list of very specific colors. Choosing one will give you a variation(s) result in that color selected. You can select additional colors and click apply to get different results and click off colors as well.
4. Filter Further
A quick way to search color is by clicking on the Colored Circles (below the Filter by search). These are associated only with the designs on the product page or the category and what is available will appear on the page. This search and the following ones work independently of all the previous searches, so those should be cleared first. In most cases the results from the colored circles search will give limited results even though multiple colors can be checked. This is because all of the specific color titles would need to be visual options but for simplicity we have the most-common color circle choices. If you leave these selections checked and click a color in the Color / Style filter located below this one, your result will be narrowed to what is available in that color from both of these filter selections.
• Search exact colors by clicking the Color / Style + sign (right below the Colored Circles) for a check list that expands with specific color names for the designs. Each color / style in this list shows the number of designs with these variations in parentheses. After you reset and clear the color circle choices, you should get this quantity of variations in your result. Multiple color names can be selected.
• Click Room /Design to filter by suggested room or design style and a list of descriptive tags appear that are associated with designs on that page. Click individual tags to narrow your search. These work in conjunction with the other filters but when the others are selected, a max of 3 filters work. Using tags first then color will likely give you exactly what you are looking for.
• Narrow the search even further with size. Although, this may cancel out some of your choices. Most all designs come in our standard sizes. Although we no longer sell samples, we have left those visuals because they show all the available colorways for each design. For instance, select Size option “Sample – 8 x 10” and all the samples for all the designs in this category will appear. Keep this filter and click the sage circle will filter these results to show the Satinwood and the Raw Silk Samples — the only designs in the Organics category that has this color.
• Click reset to clear the field and start over.

For more Basic Search Options
Use the Design/ Shop Drop-down Menu & Page
If you don’t know the design you are searching for and want to see all that is available, the Catalog Design / Shop Drop-down menu is a good place to start because is organizes all the designs into a Collections list or with a visual on the Catalog Design page that represents each category. These link to each product page. The most popular individual designs in each category will fly out to click on when you hover over them in the drop-down menu.
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